Monday, March 19, 2007

Thoughts on Lessig

It's a scary thought that only a few mega-companies run most of this country's media. But media is not the only sector that this is happening. Sure, there are still small independently owned businesses scattered around, but the majority of the places we frequent, the materials we buy, the food and entertainment we consume are owned by just a few massive companies. I'm not sure that's how it was envisioned when Jefferson and the rest wrote the constitution. I think this same "take-over" is beginning to happen on the Internet. I hate to see such a wonderful free forum for speech be taken over by corporations, controlled, made to be the same all the way across. I think copyright has much to do with this merging, this "take-over." Perhaps these CEO's, or whomever, sit in their offices and think, "Oh no, look at all this wonderful, free, creative material being shared! Look how it's making people connect and think and come up with new ideas! We must control it and standardize it and make sure that no one uses it without permission!" What a load. This really makes me angry. There shouldn't be any restrictions on use for public domain, such as Alice in Wonderland, even if you buy an e-book version. I liked Lessig's view of copyright. He wasn't saying it was wrong or right, just that we need to revamp it to fit our current circumstances.

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